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Action System

The action system is used across items, entities, and blocks to code custom effects. Actions can run on specific events using the observe component (ex. a player clicking a custom item), or repeat passively using the passive component.

Observe events

Any Geary prefab can observe events using the observe component. It takes a map of event names found in Events to an Action Group.


    - become: parent
    - sendActionBar: "Right clicked item!"

Passive actions

Passive actions run continuously on a Geary prefab, optionally matching against certain components. The passive component takes a list of entries as described below


Name Type Description
match List A list of component names an instance of this prefab must have for the passive system to run
every Duration How often to run this action group
run ActionGroup The actions to run when an instance is matched


  - match: [ inInventory ]
    every: 1s
      - become: parent
      - ensure:
            - health{h=<5}
      - particle:
          at: "{{ entity.getLocation }}"
          particle: CLOUD
          offsetY: 1
          count: 3
          speed: 0
      - applyPotionEffects:
          - type: minecraft:speed
            duration: 3s
            amplifier: 2
            hasParticles: false