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Events are triggers for your skills. The serialized tag follows the usual component format, with namespaces optionally imported. These generally bridge Bukkit events and may hold extra info, explore them in the sidebar.


Name Desc
onDamaged Entity was damaged by another entity
onDamageOther Entity damaged another entity
onSheared Entity got sheared
onSpawn Entity spawned (for the first time)
onDeath Entity died
onLoad Entity was loaded (i.e. from spawn or chunk load)
onUnload Entity was unloaded from a chunk


Name Desc
itemInteract Item interacts with something
itemLeftClick Item left clicked air or block
itemLeftClickBlock Item left clicked a block
itemRightClick Item right clicked air or block
itemRightClickBlock Item right clicked a block
itemRightClickEntity Item right clicked an entity
itemConsumed Item was consumed, ex. eaten or drunk
itemBreak Item broke from low durability
itemDrop Item was dropped by a player