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Components that replace vanilla behaviour with custom ones, often reimplemented by us.

namespaces: [ mobzy ]

Any mob

Death Loot

Items and exp to drop on a mob's death

  exp: 10..20
  deathCommands: [ "say Hi" ] # (1)!
  drops: # (2)!
    - item: { type: "apple" }
      cooked: { type: "golden_apple" } # (4)!
      cookExp: ... # (5)!
      cookTime: ... # (6)!
      amount: 1..2
      dropChance: 0.5
  ignoredCauses: [ SUFFOCATION ] # (3)!

  1. List of commands to run on death
  2. A list of items to drop
  3. DamageCause, Do not drop items when entity dies of this cause
  4. Item to drop if using fire aspect on mob
  5. Default 0, Amount of exp for cooking
  6. Default 200. Amount of time cooking takes


Custom sound system, can play idle sounds and when interacting with entity, all optional

  step: <Sound>
  ambient: <Sound>
  death: <Sound>
  hurt: <Sound>
  splash: <Sound>
  swim: <Sound>


    sound: "minecraft:entity.pig.ambient" # (1)!
    volume: ... # (2)!
    pitch: ... # (3)!
    pitchRange: ... # (4)!
    category: ... # (5)!
  1. Sound to play, anything in /playsound works here
  2. Default 1.0, Volume of the sound
  3. Default 1.0, Pitch of the sonud
  4. Default 0.2, range pitch can go up or down by randomly
  5. Default MASTER, Any of SoundCategory

Display name

Name to display in chat when killed by entity.

displayName: "<red>Scary Pig" # (1)!
  1. Any string, parsed with MiniMessage


Allows entity to be picked up by a bucket

   bucketLiquidRequired: WATER # (1)!
   bucketItem: { prefab: myplugin:custom_bucket } # (2)!
  1. Type of bucket player needs to be holding to pick up mob (WATER, LAVA)
  2. The item to give when bucketing the mob